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Daniel Guh.JPG

Greetings to all participants,


Welcome to the Taiwan Model United Nations annual conference held by the American School in Taichung. I am Daniel Guh, a senior at AST, and it’s my honor to be serving as your Head of Administration team. The team has been working hard together for a long time to make sure people can get their best experience here. 

This is my third year attending the TAIMUN event, and it’s my second year to work as a part of the Admin team. The admin team is possibly the busiest team before the conference; we are also the ones who set up and organize everything in the rooms. It has been a great learning experience to manage all the important details and because we want this to be a successful and memorable event. 

Hope you enjoy your time, I’m looking forward to see you guys at the conference and having a wonderful experience.



Daniel Guh

Head of Administration

Greetings, honorable chairs, fellow delegates, and most esteemed guests,

        Welcome to the 22nd Taiwan Model United Nations annual conference held by the American School in Taichung. It is with great excitement and honor that I stand before you as the Deputy Administration Head this year. My name is Claire Chen, a sophomore at AST, and I am thrilled to be part of this incredible journey with all of you.
        This marks my 2nd year participating in the MUN, and I am particularly honored to serve in a leadership role this time around. Working with our incredible administration team and the entire MUN committee has been a true learning experience, filled with inspiration and camaraderie.

        To the brilliant high school minds gathered here, I encourage you to embrace this unique opportunity for learning, growth, and friendship. I hope TAIMUN XXII will be an enjoyable and unforgettable MUN conference for you all.


Sincerely Yours,

Claire Chen

Deputy Administration Head 



Deputy Administration Head

Claire Chen


Deputy Administration Head

Ian Liu

Ian Liu.JPG

Greetings, honorable chairs, fellow delegates, and most esteemed guests,

        Welcome to the 22th Taiwan Model United Nations annual conference held by the American School in Taichung. My name is Ian Liu, a junior at AST, and it is my honor to serve as your Deputy Head of Administration And Communication this year. The team has been working really hard to make sure you all can have good experiences.

This is my third time participating in TAIMUN and the second time working in the executive teams.  I am grateful for working with the admin head, Daniel Guh, and the two other admin deputies, Christie Liu and Claire Chen. I am certain that with the effort we put into the preparation for this conference, TAIMUN XXII will be a successful conference.

I hope you guys will have a fruitful debate and an unforgettable MUN conference. 



Ian Liu.

Deputy Head of Administration and Communications

Deputy Administration Head Christie Liu

Greetings to all participants, 

  Welcome to the 22nd TAIMUN conference held at American School in Taichung. My name is Christie Liu, and I am a current sophomore at AST. This will be my second year in the Admin Team and it is my honor to serve as your Administration Deputy of Logistics this year.
  In the beginning of the school year, members of the Admin team started off dividing work by organizing files in drives by creating convenience for the TAIMUN team. All members had put in their full efforts and time in making sure everything was organized and coordinated for the upcoming conference.
  I would like to thank my Admin head, Daniel Guh, for offering me the opportunity for this position while assisting me in all sorts of challenges. Additionally, I am thankful for my teammates for guiding me along these past few weeks while learning new experiences and putting in hard work and dedication. We are fortunate to be able to host TAIMUN XXI, so let’s enjoy this TAIMUN conference and have a wonderful time!
Best regards,
Christie Liu
Administration Deputy 


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